Download the App for Cafe Chili and reap the rewards of online ordering, a loyalty program, exclusive offers and access to a full menu, right from your smart phone! Ordering for pickup or delivery is just a tap away; scroll through and check out your choices. Reserve a table, redeem a coupon, check out the latest social media posts and see what new menu items (or events!) are being offered. Convenience and savings, lunch, dinner and bar menus, with App-only amenities, all at your fingertips from your friends at Cafe Chili.
The App for Cafe Chili offers:
• Easy online ordering for pickup or delivery
• Exclusive specials and offers
• Updates and notifications
• Digital punch card rewards
• Our media gallery
The App from Cafe Chili is FREE and you will receive your first offer soon after it is downloaded.
Cafe Chili, tucked behind a grocery in Brooklyn, New York, is a little eatery with big flavors. Mouthwatering (and eye-watering) aromas of spice, chili and curry waft onto the sidewalks from the kitchen, where everything is prepared from scratch, using mom’s authentic Thai recipes. There’s even a garden patio in the back, behind the dining area, for warm-weather dining and leisurely drinks. Start with some corn fritters or snacks on a stick. Try a lunch box with chili-infused vegetables, wings and a salad. Or tap the App for reservations, pickup or delivery of a delicious Thai dinner that will warm you from the inside out and keep your wallet feeling as full as your belly after a delicious meal from Cafe Chili.